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The Cicada Emergence Is Likely Unavoidable, But There Are No Real Threats

More than a trillion cicadas are about to surface in parts of the southeast and midwestern United States, but experts say they don't pose a threat to humans. Hereas why their emergence is likely unavoidable - and how to best prepare for it.

A Tour of the Cascade Volcanoes from Space: British Columbia

This month we'll take a tour of the Cascade Range volcanoes, all located along the western edge of North America. Some will be very familiar but others are hidden gems (and dangers) of the Pacific Northwest.

Replicating Natural Habitats Is a Challenge to Owning Exotic Pets

Humans and animals have formed bonds with one another for thousands of years. Learn more about why we have exotic pets and how to best care for them.

These 4 aDirtya Animals Actually Clean Up Quite Well

Cleanliness is next to godliness for many animals, no matter their size. Find out more about some of the animals that, despite their reputations, clean up after themselves.

Shooting Streams of Pee, Cicadas Will do Weird Things During the Emergence

The 2024 cicada emergence will be loud, but it will also bring some strange behavior from these insects.

Zoonotic Diseases Can Happen in Reverse, Which Could Get Your Pet Sick

What are the risks of transmitting diseases from humans to pets? Here's the science behind reverse zoonoses.

Arctic Bumblebees Use Outhouses to Keep Nests Clean

Researchers suggests this bumblebee strategy may be an important way to limit infection in bee nests.

The 2024 Cicada Emergence Is Coming, Hereas Everything to Know

In 2024, cicada broods from 13-year to 17-year cycles will emerge at the same time. Hereas what you should know about the event.

Great White Sharks Band Together to Prey on Whales

These two marine giants rarely clash head-to-head. But great white sharksa hunting habits for large prey can help unlock secrets about how they communicate with each other.

Meet the Adorable Quokka, Known as the 'Happiest Animal on Earth'

The quokka, an impossibly-cute marsupial that's taken social media by storm, is facing unexpected threats in its southwestern Australia home.

40-Foot-Long Giant Squids Dwarf Life on Land Because of Deep-Sea Gigantism

Why do deep-sea creatures grow so large? From giant squids to colossal spider crabs, learn how body temperature and metabolism might contribute to animal size.

Ancient Artifacts Have Been Found in the Grand Canyon, Going Back 12,000 Years

Humans have left evidence of their passing through Americaas great rift for more than 10 millennia.

Orcas May be Smarter Than You Think, Here's What to Know About Their Behaviors

Explore the enchanting world of orcas, where stunning beauty meets remarkable intelligence through unique adaptations and complex social behaviors.

Indonesia's Ruang Unleashes a Massive Explosion

It has been a while since we've had a giant explosive volcanic eruption, but Ruang off the coast of Indonesia's Sulawesi appears to have changed that.

The Idea That Sharks Fear Dolphins May Just Be an Old Sailor's Myth

Thereas a common conception that where dolphins roam, you wonat see sharks swimming. How accurate is the idea that sharks fear dolphins? Hereas what you should know.

Sea Otters Hold Hands While Sleeping and They Even Cuddle

While the habit is relatively rare, it provides a unique window into the social lives of these much-loved marine mammals.

How to Coexist with Coyotes in Your Neighborhood

Coyotes arenat as dangerous to humans as we think they are. In fact, experts say that humans often pose the bigger threat.

Dogs Die Too Soon, but a Possible Drug Could Fix That

Two clinical trials and a huge observational study hope to extend and improve the lives of dogs.

Study Alters Bonobosa Reputation as the aMake Love not Wara Ape

Although both bonobos and chimps both act aggressively to gain a mate, they each take a different approach to violence.

Orcaas Signature Black and White Patterns Help Them Hunt and Hide

Why are orcas black and white? Learn how their unique eye patches and bellies help them hunt and hide underwater.

The Cicada Emergence Is Likely Unavoidable, But There Are No Real Threats

More than a trillion cicadas are about to surface in parts of the southeast and midwestern United States, but experts say they don't pose a threat to humans. Hereas why their emergence is likely unavoidable - and how to best prepare for it.

A Tour of the Cascade Volcanoes from Space: British Columbia

This month we'll take a tour of the Cascade Range volcanoes, all located along the western edge of North America. Some will be very familiar but others are hidden gems (and dangers) of the Pacific Northwest.

Replicating Natural Habitats Is a Challenge to Owning Exotic Pets

Humans and animals have formed bonds with one another for thousands of years. Learn more about why we have exotic pets and how to best care for them.

These 4 aDirtya Animals Actually Clean Up Quite Well

Cleanliness is next to godliness for many animals, no matter their size. Find out more about some of the animals that, despite their reputations, clean up after themselves.

Shooting Streams of Pee, Cicadas Will do Weird Things During the Emergence

The 2024 cicada emergence will be loud, but it will also bring some strange behavior from these insects.

Zoonotic Diseases Can Happen in Reverse, Which Could Get Your Pet Sick

What are the risks of transmitting diseases from humans to pets? Here's the science behind reverse zoonoses.

Arctic Bumblebees Use Outhouses to Keep Nests Clean

Researchers suggests this bumblebee strategy may be an important way to limit infection in bee nests.

The 2024 Cicada Emergence Is Coming, Hereas Everything to Know

In 2024, cicada broods from 13-year to 17-year cycles will emerge at the same time. Hereas what you should know about the event.

Great White Sharks Band Together to Prey on Whales

These two marine giants rarely clash head-to-head. But great white sharksa hunting habits for large prey can help unlock secrets about how they communicate with each other.

Meet the Adorable Quokka, Known as the 'Happiest Animal on Earth'

The quokka, an impossibly-cute marsupial that's taken social media by storm, is facing unexpected threats in its southwestern Australia home.

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